

I spent a lot of time this weekend looking at art blogs, with one great, inspiring idea leading to another.  As I blog hopped, following links to new and interesting blogger artists, I stumbled upon three projects that intrigued me for the new year.  One is called One Little Word, where you choose one word to focus on throughout the year, in your art, in your journaling, in your meditations and musings, whatever.  Without giving it much thought, the word FREEDOM came to me, and I decided that will be my one little word.

The second project is called The Documented Life Project, which combines keeping a weekly calendar (which I’ve always done and haven’t been able to give up, even though I’ve embraced the electronic calendar as well) with a written diary and art journal.  Those are all so up my alley that I think the project was designed just for me!

The third project, which was actually the first one I found, is called Journal 52, which involves 52 weekly prompts to jump start creativity each week.  The first project prompt came this morning, and it was “Up Up and Away.” How serendipitous that the first prompt for that project would tie in so perfectly with my one little word, freedom!


2 thoughts on “Freedom

  1. Does this mean we’re going to see LOTS more art pieces from you this year? Yay!

    I love all the project ideas but this one little word piece is very intriguing… simple yet expressive. I can’t wait to see what the next word is going to be!!

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